Calc Function

  • Diagnosis
  • Rule Out
  • Prognosis
  • Formula
  • Treatment
  • Algorithm
  • Disease
    Chief Complaint
    Organ System


    Date Last Updated: Sep 05, 2024


    MDCalc Ltd., Inc. (“MDCalc,” “we,” and “us”) provides online point-of-care clinical decision-support tools, including medical calculators and clinical practice guidelines (collectively referred to herein as the “Service”), for use by healthcare professionals. The decision-support tools are based on published clinical research, and MDCalc’s content is written by physician authors. The Service is not intended for use by laypersons.


    MDCalc takes the private nature of the personal information we collect seriously, and we are committed to protecting it. Therefore, we have in place controls and procedures designed to manage such information responsibly and in accordance with applicable data protection and privacy laws (collectively, “Privacy Laws”).

    This Privacy Policy applies to MDCalc’s practices where we function as a data controller (or an equivalent role as described under the various Privacy Laws in our regions of operation) and describes our processing practices as it relates to Personal Information collected via: (a) our  website (“Website”), whether from visitors browsing the site or from healthcare professionals who visit the Website and use our medical calculators; (b) our MDCalc Medical Calculator App (the, “App”), (c) other direct interactions with individuals/corporate entities, and (d) data that we collect from third parties and provide to our customers through the Service. The information that MDCalc receives through these interactions does not include Protected Health Information, as that term is defined by the Health Insurance Portability and Protection Act (“HIPAA”).

    This Privacy Policy describes the categories of Personal Information that we collect and the sources of such information, how we use that Personal Information, to whom Personal Information is disclosed and sold and for what purposes, and the rights you have with respect to your Personal Information.

    This Privacy Policy does not apply where MDCalc processes Personal Information as a service provider (or an equivalent role under the various Privacy Laws, such as data processor or service provider). When we function as a service provider, the privacy statement of the relevant customer and our agreements with the entity on whose behalf we process the Personal Information will govern our processing of such Personal Information.


    MDCalc offers both a free version of the Service and an enterprise version. Healthcare professionals can access the Service for free either via the Website (with or without establishing an account) or via the App, which requires an account. Although the Website can be accessed without an account, more functionality is offered to those who establish an account.

    Healthcare professionals can also access the Service through the electronic health record system utilized by the organization for which they work, if such organization has a contract with MDCalc for integrated access and use of the Service (integrated solutions are referred to as, “Enterprise Accounts”). When the Service is used in the context of an Enterprise Account, MDCalc acts as a service provider and the privacy policy of the enterprise with whom we have a contract will govern MDCalc’s processing of Personal Information through the Service.


    Personal Information” means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. An identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, an online identifier or one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person. Personal Information includes information referred to as “personal data,” “personally identifiable information” and such similar references as codified in applicable Privacy Laws.

    Under most U.S. Privacy Laws, the information we collect from users of our Service is not considered “Personal Information” because it pertains to users in their role as employees or contractors of a commercial entity or nonprofit. However, certain jurisdictions (e.g., California and the European Union) consider such information to be Personal Information. Given that, this Privacy Policy treats information about the individuals that use our Service as Personal Information. Note, however, that your legal rights with respect to Personal Information are determined by the Privacy Law of the jurisdiction in which you reside.


    MDCalc collects Personal Information in a number of ways: (1) from healthcare professionals who use the Service via the Website or the App ("Users"); (2) from visitors to our Website ("Website Visitors"), even when they do not use our Service; (3) through other means of ordinary business interactions with individuals, whether via email, snail mail, telephone or in person (collectively, "Direct Interaction"), and; (4) from third party health networks and advertising agencies. The table below sets forth the categories of Personal Information MDCalc has collected in the preceding twelve (12) months, the categories of the sources of such information and the purpose or use for which we collect Personal Information.

    Please note that MDCalc only uses the Sensitive Personal Information we collect in order to provide Service to the individual from whom such information is collected and for no other purposes.

    Category of Personal Information CollectedExamples of Data Elements CollectedCategories of Sources of Personal InformationPurpose for Collection
    Personal IdentifiersName

    Email address

    Phone number

    National Provider Identifier Standard Code (“NPI Code”)

    IP Address





    Personal identifiers present on a CV
    Users and Website Visitors

    Physicians who contribute content to the Service

    Individuals including, without limitation, employment applicants, Advisory Board members, customers, and vendors.

    Third party health information companies, advertising networks and agencies


    Operating system and platforms
    • Providing the Service to Users and Website Visitors, maintaining and servicing accounts, providing customer service, processing or fulfilling transactions, verifying information;
    • Responding to inquiries and requests of individuals;
    • Delivering our content and informing Users and prospects about our commercial offerings
    • Seeking feedback regarding your experience with our business;
    • Auditing interactions and transactions;
    • Detecting security incidents, protecting against malicious, deceptive fraudulent or illegal activity;
    • Better understanding our Users and Website Visitors;
    • Performing short-term, transient internal use;
    • Research for technological development;
    • Responding to or defending against subpoenas, court orders, or other legal process;
    • Establishing or exercising our legal rights;
    • Complying with applicable law;
    • Tracking performance and optimizing Website, App and Service performance;
    • To distribute our newsletter and provide information about our products and services;
    • To communicate regarding events we host.
    • To identify Visitors and Users in order to serve advertising to specific physicians in identified practice areas.
    Sensitive Personal Information Log-in information for a User’s MDCalc account

    Credit card number with expiration date and CVC

    Citizenship or immigration status

    Website Visitors who purchase Continuing Medical Education packages and/or gift cards for such packages

    Employment applicants
    • Providing the Service to Users and Website Visitors (e.g., we use credit card information to process your payment for Continuing Medical Education package);
    • To prevent, detect and investigate security incidents that compromise the integrity of stored Personal Information (e.g., we use log-in information for registered Users to verify identity of such Users when returning to MDCalc.)
    • To process applications for employment.
    Electronic Network Activity IP address, city

    Device brand, model and name, browser information, operating system, platform version, screen resolution and preferred language

    Performance data and interactions information (e.g., where a Website Visitor clicks, scrolls, moves in between pages, time spent per visit, cumulative time spent across all usage, frequency of usage, features used, buttons clicked, actions taken and frequency of each)

    Ad tracking codes

    Activity information such as the date and time that you access our Website or App, and whether you view, click or otherwise interact with advertisements promoting the products and services of our commercial clients.
    Users and Visitors


    Operating systems and platforms
    • Providing the Service to Users and Website Visitors, maintaining or servicing accounts, providing customer service, processing or fulfilling transactions, verifying information, processing payments;
    • For bug and performance tracking and to optimize Website, App and Service performance;
    • Internal research for technological development;
    • Auditing interactions and transactions;
    • Better understanding our Users and Website Visitors;
    • Tracking performance and optimizing Website, App and Service performance;
    • Detecting security incidents, protecting against malicious, deceptive fraudulent or illegal activity;
    • Short-term, transient internal use;
    • To respond to or defend against subpoenas, court orders, or other legal process;
    • To establish or exercise our legal rights;
    • To otherwise comply with applicable law.
    • To identify Website Visitors and Users in order to serve contextual advertising to specific physicians in identified practice areas.
    • To target and measure the performance of advertising and other content sponsored by third parties, including pharmaceutical companies promoting their products and therapies.
    Commercial Information Records of Services and Continuing Medical Education courses purchased.Users and Visitors
    • Providing the Service for Users and Website Visitors, maintaining or servicing accounts, providing customer service, processing or fulfilling transactions, verifying information, processing payments;
    • Auditing interactions and transactions;
    • Short-term, transient internal use;
    • To respond to or defend against subpoenas, court orders, or other legal process;
    • To establish or exercise our legal rights;
    • To otherwise comply with applicable law;
    • To respond to inquiries and requests you have;
    • To communicate regarding events we host;
    • To request feedback regarding an individual’s experience with our business.
    Professional or employment-related information: Associated health system


    Professional designation, medical specialty and level of practice

    Medical school and graduation year and degree obtained

    Information contained on a CV (e.g., work history, experience summary)
    With respect to Users, we have knowledge of the User’s occupation (e.g., physician, nurse, pharmacist), and area of specialty.

    MDCalc can also infer from IP addresses the hospitals from which Website Visitors are connecting to our servers. Based on this information, we can infer the hospital with which a given Website Visitor is associated.

    Third party health information companies.

    Direct interactions with individuals including, without limitation, employment applicants, physician contributors, Advisory Board members, customers, and vendors.
    • Providing Services to Users and Visitors, maintaining or servicing accounts, providing customer service, processing or fulfilling transactions, verifying information, processing payments;
    • To identify clinicians and healthcare providers to whom MDCalc can market the Service;
    • To respond to or defend against subpoenas, court orders, or other legal process;
    • To identify those physicians that visit the Website and App and who use the Service for ad networks and ad agencies;
    • To establish or exercise our legal rights;
    • To otherwise comply with applicable law.
    • To identify Website Visitors and Users in order to serve contextual advertising to specific physicians in identified practice areas.

    Data Collected Through Cookies and Interest-Based Advertising

    When you visit our Website, our goal is to make the experience simple and effective. We also like to learn information about our Website Visitors and Users in order to effectively promote our company to prospective customers, contributors and employees and to monitor the operation and use of the Website and App. To that end, we use text files, known as cookies, to track information about your use of the Website and/or Service. A cookie is a text file that a website stores on a website visitor’s computer to enable recognition of that visitor’s computer each time they return. As you navigate through and interact with our Website, we automatically collect certain information about your equipment, browsing actions and patterns using cookies. This may include information about your connectivity, IP address and browser information, general location data (country location), logs and other communication data, and the resources that you access and use on the Website. The information we collect helps us to improve our Service and the Website and deliver better and more personalized content, enables us to estimate our audience size and usage patterns and recognize when you return to our Website. Please refer to our Cookie Policy for more information on the specific cookies we use, the purpose for such cookies and how you can indicate your choices regarding placement of cookies.

    Please note that MDCalc utilizes Google Analytics 4 (“GA4”), including the GA4 Advertising Feature, User-ID Collection. GA4 Advertising Features allows Google Analytics to collect data about Website Visitor traffic via Google advertising cookies and identifiers. MDCalc uses this information to understand how our Users interact with the Service and to segment Users based on their probability to use certain third party products. MDCalc can then sell advertising space on our Website to various third parties wishing to target the types of physicians who use the Service. If you want to prevent your Personal Information from being used by Google Analytics, visit the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on Download Page.


    Personal Information Disclosed to Third Parties

    MDCalc discloses Personal Information we receive to commercial clients and prospective commercial clients, such as pharmaceutical companies and their advertising agencies and third party advertising networks. Those entities provide MDCalc with lists of specific clinicians and/or clinician specialties to whom such entities would like their ads displayed. MDCalc monitors our Website Visitors and Users of our Website and App and displays the ads to specific clinicians depending on their specialty. When Users engage with ads displayed, MDCalc may share with the commercial client sponsor and its representatives limited Personal Information about the User such as IP addresses, address, city, state, zip code, name, and NPI number, along with details about the engagement, such as whether the User viewed or interacted with an advertisement. In addition, there are certain circumstances in which we may disclose Personal Information to trusted entities in order to improve, protect and support our business. For instance, MDCalc may disclose Personal Information to: (i) service providers (e.g., hosting providers, business advisors, auditors, etc.); and (ii) any potential purchasers or investors in the business. MDCalc requires our service providers to whom we disclose Personal Information to process Personal Information in accordance with our contracts with such service providers. We impose on our service provider with whom we share Personal Information privacy and security obligations consistent with this Privacy Policy and applicable laws. In addition, MDCalc may disclose Personal Information if required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to: (a) comply with a legal obligation; (b) protect and defend our rights or property; or (c) protect the rights, property, or safety of our Users, Website Visitors, or the public.


    The security of your Personal Information is important to us. We maintain industry standard physical, technical and administrative safeguards designed to protect your Personal Information from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, and destruction. We update and assess our security controls on a regular basis including through audits conducted by third party auditors. We train our personnel about the importance of confidentiality, security and consumer privacy and limit our personnel’s access to Personal Information to those who need such in order to perform their job. Electronic Personal Information, including the Personal Information of Website Visitors and Users is stored on restricted database servers housed with a third party cloud provider in the United States.


    MDCalc retains Personal Information collected from Users until such time as the individual deletes their profile via the functionality provided. The information is retained to better understand the usage patterns of our audience. The more we understand usage patterns, the better we can create relevant content and products that ultimately benefit our Users. When a User “deletes” their profile, we will delete such an individual's Personal Information from our system. However, the User’s historical usage activity and IP address will be retained. MDCalc retains Personal Information about Website Visitors as long as necessary to fulfill the purpose(s) for which it was collected, including legal, accounting, and reporting requirements or as otherwise set forth under applicable law. MDCalc retains the information collected through GA4 for a period of fourteen (14) months.


    Neither the Service, the App nor the Website is marketed to, and none of the foregoing is intended for use by, children. Therefore, MDCalc does not knowingly collect any Personal Information from children under the age of 17. If we become aware that we have collected Personal Information about a child under the age of 17, we will delete it.


    We will comply with all reasonable requests from you to correct, amend, or delete the Personal Information we have about you, and will provide you access to your Personal Information. There may be limits to the amount of information we can practically provide. For example, we may limit an individual’s access to Personal Information where the burden or expense of providing access would be disproportionate to the risks to your privacy or where doing so would violate others’ rights. You may submit your request through MDCalc’s Data Rights Request Form .

    If You Are a California Resident

    Last Updated Date: Apr 12, 2024


    If you are a California resident and you are interested in the Personal Information that MDCalc collects, the sources of that information and the purposes for which we use such Personal Information, please review the section above entitled: OUR COLLECTION AND USE OF PERSONAL INFORMATION.


    Personal Information Sold to and Shared with Third Parties

    MDCalc discloses Personal Information we receive to commercial clients and prospective commercial clients, such as pharmaceutical companies and their advertising agencies and advertising networks. In addition, MDCalc utilizes Google Analytics 4 as indicated above. Certain privacy laws consider this activity a “sale” or “sharing.” The table below sets forth the categories of Personal Information MDCalc has sold to, or shared with, third parties in the preceding twelve (12) months, the categories of third parties to whom the information was sold or with whom it was shared, and the purpose or use for which the Personal Information was sold or shared. MDCalc has no actual knowledge of selling or sharing Personal Information of consumers under 16 years of age.

    Category of Personal Information Is the Personal Information Sold to or Shared with Third PartiesCategories of Third Parties to With Whom SharedPurpose for Selling or Sharing
    Personal IdentifiersYCommercial and prospective commercial clients such as Advertising Networks and AgenciesThere are third party advertising networks and advertising agencies that provide MDCalc with lists of specific physicians and/or physician specialties to whom such third parties would like their ads displayed. MDCalc monitors the Visitors to and Users of our Website and App, display the ads in accordance with the lists we receive and then may provide back to the third parties the IP addresses, address, city, state, zip code, physician name and NPI number of those physicians to whom we presented an ad on behalf of such networks and agencies.

    Google Analytics collects information regarding Visitors to our Website and provides aggregated, statistical information back to MDCalc regarding Website visits. Google Analytics also uses the information collected as disclosed here.
    Sensitive Personal InformationN
    Electronic Network Activity InformationYCommercial and prospective commercial clients such as Advertising Networks and AgenciesThere are third party advertising networks and advertising agencies that provide MDCalc with lists of specific physicians and/or physician specialties to whom such third parties would like their ads displayed. MDCalc monitors the Visitors to and Users of our Website and App, display the ads in accordance with the lists we receive and then may provide back to the third parties the IP addresses, address, city, state, zip code, physician name and NPI number of those physicians to whom we presented an ad on behalf of such networks and agencies.

    Google Analytics collects information regarding Visitors to our Website and provides aggregated, statistical information back to MDCalc regarding Website visits. Google Analytics also uses the information collected as disclosed here.
    Commercial InformationN
    Professional or Employment-related InformationYTo Advertising Network and AgenciesWe share with advertising networks and advertising agencies the specialty and NPI number of those physicians visiting our Website and App for purposes of list matching in order for them to provide advertising services to the clients including placing ads on our Website.

    Personal Information Disclosed to Third Parties for a Business Purpose

    There are certain circumstances in which we may disclose Personal Information to trusted entities in order to improve, protect and support our business. For instance, MDCalc may disclose Personal Information to: (i) service providers (e.g., hosting providers, business advisors, auditors, etc.); and (ii) any potential purchasers or investors in the business. MDCalc requires our hosting provider to whom we disclose Personal Information to process Personal Information strictly for our Users’ use of the Service and in accordance with our contracts with such service providers. We ensure that any service provider with whom we share Personal Information is subject to privacy and security obligations consistent with this Privacy Policy and applicable laws. In addition, MDCalc may disclose Personal Information if required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to: (a) comply with a legal obligation; (b) protect and defend our rights or property; or (c) protect the rights, property, or safety of our Users, Website Visitors, or the public.

    The table below sets forth the categories of Personal Information MDCalc has disclosed to third parties for a business purpose in the preceding twelve (12) months, the categories of third parties to whom the information was disclosed, and the purpose or use for which the Personal Information was disclosed.

    MDCalc only discloses the Sensitive Personal Information we collect in order to provide Services to and process employment applications from, the individuals from whom such information is collected and for no other purposes.

    Category of Personal Information CollectedIs the Personal Information Disclosed to Third Parties for a Business Operations PurposeCategories of Third Parties to Whom DisclosedPurpose for Which Disclosed
     Personal IdentifiersYService ProvidersWe use Stripe for payment processing, associated analytics, and other business services when you purchase Continuing Medical Education packages. As a result, Stripe collects and processes certain Personal Information on our behalf, including names, credit card information and devices information. Stripe uses this information to operate and improve the services it provides to us, including for fraud detection and prevention. You can learn more about Stripe and its processing activities via privacy policy at

    Hosting Services
    Sensitive Personal InformationYService ProvidersWe use Stripe for payment processing, associated analytics, and other business services when you purchase Continuing Medical Education packages. As a result, Stripe collects and processes certain Personal Information on our behalf, including names, credit card information and devices information. Stripe uses this information to operate and improve the services it provides to us, including for fraud detection and prevention. You can learn more about Stripe and its processing activities via privacy policy at

    Hosting Services
    Electronic Network Activity InformationYService ProvidersWe use Stripe for payment processing, associated analytics, and other business services when you purchase Continuing Medical Education packages. As a result, Stripe collects and processes certain Personal Information on our behalf, including names, credit card information and devices information. Stripe uses this information to operate and improve the services it provides to us, including for fraud detection and prevention. You can learn more about Stripe and its processing activities via privacy policy at

    Hosting Servics
    Commercial InformationYService ProvidersWe use Stripe for payment processing, associated analytics, and other business services when you purchase Continuing Medical Education packages. As a result, Stripe collects and processes

    certain Personal Information on our behalf, including names, credit card information and devices information. Stripe uses this information to operate and improve the services it provides to us, including for fraud detection and prevention. You can learn more about Stripe and its processing activities via privacy policy at

    Hosting Services
    Professional or Employment-related InformationYService ProvidersHosting services

    Employment recruiting firms

    The California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 and its implementing regulations, each as amended, (collectively the, “CCPA”) is a California law that gives California residents certain rights as it relates to the Personal Information that a business (including MDCalc) collects about them. Those rights include the following:

    Right to Know Before Collection of Personal Information: At or before the point your Personal Information is collected, MDCalc must inform you of the following:

    • The categories of Personal Information to be collected and the purposes for which they are collected or used;
    • The categories of Sensitive Personal Information to be collected and the purposes for which the information is collected and used.
    • Whether Personal Information and/or Sensitive Personal Information is sold or shared.
    • The length of time MDCalc intends to retain each category of Personal Information (including Sensitive Personal Information) collected or, if that is not possible, the criteria used to determine that period. 

    Note that MDCalc does not knowingly collect, sell or share the Personal Information of individuals under the age of 17.

    Right to Know What Personal Information Is Collected and Right to Access: As a California resident, you have the right to request from MDCalc disclosure of the following information, up to twice in a twelve-month period:

    • the categories and specific pieces of Personal Information that MDCalc has collected about you;
    • the categories of sources from which that Personal Information is collected;
    • the business or commercial purpose for collecting, selling or sharing that Personal Information, and;
    • the categories of third parties to whom MDCalc discloses Personal Information.

    Before providing such information to you, MDCalc must verify your identity. We will utilize the information that you submit with your request in order to do so and to locate any information that we maintain about you and for no other purpose.

    Right to Know About Personal Information Disclosed: As a California resident, you have the right to know the categories of Personal Information disclosed about you for a business purpose and the categories of persons to whom each category of Personal Information was disclosed. Before providing such information to you, MDCalc must verify your identity.

    Right to Know About Personal Information Sold or Shared: As a California resident, you have the right to know the categories of Personal Information sold about you, the categories of third parties to whom each category of Personal Information was sold and the purpose for doing so. Before providing such information to you, we must verify your identity.

    Right to Request Deletion: As a California resident, you have the right at any time to request that MDCalc delete any Personal Information that we collected directly from you. MDCalc collects Personal Information directly from consumers as described in the Section titled “How We Collect and Use Personal Information” above. The obligation to delete Personal Information upon request is not absolute. The CCPA allows businesses to retain Personal Information for certain purposes even when a deletion request is received. In addition, before deleting Personal Information in response to your request, MDCalc must verify your identity.

    Right to Correct Inaccurate Personal Information: As a California resident, you have the right to request at any time the correction of inaccurate Personal Information that MDCalc maintains about you. Before correcting Personal Information in response to your request, MDCalc must verify your identity.

    Right to Opt Out of Sale or Sharing of Personal Information: As a California resident, you have the right to opt out of MDCalc’s sale and / or sharing of your Personal Information to third parties at any time. Please review the Notice of Right to Opt Out of Sale/Sharing to learn more.

    Right to Limit Use and Disclosure of Sensitive Personal Information: California residents have the right at any time to direct businesses to limit their use of the resident’s Sensitive Personal Information to that necessary to provide the services requested and to those purposes otherwise allowed by California law. MDCalc only uses Sensitive Personal Information in order to provide Services to the individuals from whom such information is collected and for no other purposes.

    Right to Non-Discrimination: California law prohibits MDCalc from discriminating or retaliating against you based on your exercise of the privacy rights described above. For example, MDCalc cannot deny you services or provide a different level or quality of services to you as a result of your exercise of such rights.

    Method to Submit Requests

    Requests to Delete, Correct and to Know

    If you wish to exercise your right to delete, correct and / or know (as described above,) you may do so by calling MDCalc at the following toll-free telephone number (866) 715-1606 or alternatively, via our Website at

    We will confirm receipt of your request within 10 business days. We will then take steps to verify your identity. MDCalc may occasionally request additional information to assist in facilitating verification. Any Personal Information received by MDCalc with respect to a request delete, to correct and / or to know will be held strictly in confidence, used only for the purposes of processing your request and in accordance with applicable data privacy laws and regulations. Within 45 calendar days of receiving your request, we will comply with your request unless there is a legal basis for denying your request. In the event we need additional time to respond, we will inform you of that within the initial 45-day period.

    Right to Opt-Out of Sale or Sharing of Your Personal Information

    If you wish to exercise your right to opt-out of the sale of your Personal Information, please click here: 

    How An Authorized Agent Can Make a Request for You: 

    California law allows you to designate an agent to submit a request to delete, correct or to know. The agent may call MDCalc at the following toll-free telephone number: (866) 715-1606. We will require that agent to provide proof that you gave the agent signed permission to submit the request on your behalf. We may also require the agent to verify their own identity and confirm that you provided the agent permission to submit the request. If you have provided the agent with power of attorney pursuant to Probate Code section 4121 to 4130, evidence of that power of attorney is sufficient.


    MDCalc complies with the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679, the UK Data Protection Act of 2018 and the Swiss Data Protection Act of 2020 (collectively, “GDPR”) with respect to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of Personal Information and the free movement of such Personal Information.

    Under the GDPR, you have the following rights:

    • Right of Access: You have the right to ask us for copies of your Personal Information. The law provides for some exemptions, which means you may not always receive all the Personal Information we process.

    • Right to Rectification: You have the right to ask us to rectify Personal Information you think is inaccurate. You also have the right to ask us to complete Personal Information you think is incomplete.

    • Right to Restrict Processing: You have the right to ask us to restrict the processing of your Personal Information in certain circumstances.

    • Right to Withdraw Consent: You have the right to revoke your consent to our processing of your Personal Information at any time by contacting us via the Data Rights Request Form. Withdrawing consent will not affect the lawfulness of the process performed based on your consent before its withdrawal.

    • Right to Erasure: You have the right to ask us to erase your Personal Information in certain circumstances.

    • Right to Data Portability: This only applies to Personal Information you have given to us and that is held electronically. You have the right to ask that we transfer this information from MDCalc to another organization or give it to you. 

    If you wish to exercise your rights above, you may contact us by completing this form: Data Rights Request Form. You are not required to pay any charge for exercising your rights. We have one month to respond to you. You may also contact the relevant supervisory authority to lodge a complaint related to our handling of your Personal Information. However, we invite you to give us a chance to resolve the situation directly with you. Your privacy is important to us, and we will do our best to address any concerns.

    Though we make our Service available globally, our computer systems are based in the United States, which means Personal Information we collect will be processed by us in the U.S. where data protection and privacy regulations may not offer the same level of protection as in other parts of the world, such as in Europe. For transfers to the United States, we will either rely on a derogation applicable to the specific situation (e.g. consent or if the transfer is necessary to perform our contract with you) or implement the Standard Contractual Clauses adopted by the European Commission and/or an International Data Transfer Addendum with respect to transfers outside of the United Kingdom.

    The legal bases for processing your Personal Information include one or more of the following depending on the circumstances:

    • To comply with contractual obligations or to take steps at your request before entering into a contract.When you subscribe to the Service or purchase Continuing Medical Education packages, we will process your Personal Information in order to provide the Service to you and answer your requests.

    • As a result of your consent.In certain cases, you consent to the processing of your Personal Information by us (e.g., when you submit the Contact Form via the Website or use our Service.) When consent is the basis on which we process your Personal Information, we will inform you if we need to carry out further processing for purposes other than those for which you provided us with your consent and obtain your further consent. You may withdraw your consent at any time. For further information on the right of withdrawal, please contact MDCalc via the Data Rights Request Form.

    • Within the scope of a legitimate interest.On occasion, where we have a legitimate interest to process your Personal Information, we may not need your consent to do so, however, we must inform you that we do this. Examples of a legitimate interest include:

    • The analysis and optimization of the Website and App;
    • Ensuring IT security and the operation of MDCalc’s technology;
    • Prevention and investigation of criminal acts.
    • On the basis of MDCalc’s legal obligations or in the public interest. In some cases the processing of your Personal Information will be necessary for us to fulfill legal or public interest obligations.

    If MDCalc uses email prospecting, we first obtain the consent of the individual, unless the recipient is already a customer and the email involves products similar to those we already provide to such customer. In such instances, the legal basis of the processing is the legitimate interest of MDCalc, namely to promote our products to our customers. When MDCalc sends commercial solicitations to customers by email regarding products other than those already provided to such customers, the legal basis of the processing is consent.

    You have the right at any time to stop us from contacting you for marketing purposes or giving your data to third parties. If you no longer wish to be contacted for marketing purposes, please reach out to us via the Data Rights Request Form


    MDCalc retains Personal Information collected from Users until such time as the individual deletes their profile via the functionality provided. The information is retained to better understand the usage patterns of our audience. The more we understand usage patterns, the better we can create relevant content and product that ultimately benefits our users. When a User “deletes” their profile, we will delete such an individual's Personal Information from our system. However, the User’s historical usage activity and IP address will be retained. MDCalc retains Personal Information about Website Visitors as long as necessary to fulfill the purpose(s) for which it was collected, including legal, accounting, and reporting requirements or as otherwise set forth under applicable law. MDCalc retains the information collected through GA4 for a period of fourteen (14) months.


    MDCalc’s Website contains links to third party websites (e.g., Apple App Store, Google Play, LinkedIn, and X). These third party websites publish their own privacy statements, which disclose the manner in which those third parties process Personal Information. MDCalc recommends that you review those third party privacy statements when visiting any linked websites. MDCalc is not responsible for the content of linked websites or the processing of Personal Information by the companies that own and manage such websites.


    As we evolve, we may update this Privacy Policy to align with changes in the Service, our business and/or Privacy Laws. The Date Last Updated at the beginning of this Privacy Policy will reflect the last date on which the Privacy Policy was updated. We recommend that you periodically review the Privacy Policy to stay informed of changes. We will ask for your consent to such changes if required by Privacy Law. In other cases, please note that your continued use of the Service, the Website and/or App after any change means that you agree to the terms of the updated Privacy Policy. The same is true with respect to Personal Information that we collect via email, snail mail and other communication methods. If you disagree with the Privacy Policy, please reach out to us via the Data Rights Request Form and stop using the Service and Website / App.


    If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please reach out to us via the Data Rights Request Form.

    Written inquiries can be sent to:

    MDCalc Ltd., Inc.
    93 4th Ave, #19
    New York, NY 10003